Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A new job and the round-a-bouts..

It feels great to finally have a job! Something I can be proud of! I'm not proud of my knees killing me though! It's just something I need to get used to.. I'll be fine in about a week or two.. For those of you who don't know, I'm working for Ace Parking at the Portland Airport. I help people get a taxi and reserve cars. It's a lot of fun! It is amazing.

So, other than that.. my life is going okay right now.. Missing mom so much. I talked to Brenda a couple days ago and she thought it had only been 3 months.. 4 months, almost 5. Bad, huh? It sucks so bad and I want her back but I know she's in the best place she could be. Not that it helps my heart any.

Anything new with anybody? What else do you want to know about me? haha.

Love you guys.